MiRewards News & Updates

Latest ongoings at MiRewards

The nights are ‘fair drawin’ in’ so cosy up at Grayson’s

One positive that we can draw from longer Autumn evenings is that we get more time to enjoy evening activities. Grayson’s wine cafe is always a great place to visit for a relaxed evening. It was launched by owner Gordon Polley. Gordon wanted to create a place which celebrated the great selection of wine he […]

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Saturday takes top spot for some Perth businesses this Summer

Believe it or not but for a long time retailers, eateries, pubs, and a few other Perth businesses have seen their busiest day land on a Friday. Tallying up Mi Points balances lets us see which days have the most transactions and the data can’t lie. All the same it was a little unusual; in […]

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Win a Big hug with Trend Transformations

Trend Transformations are offering a great opportunity to win a big huggable friend whenever you pop in to their showroom at 9 High Street Perth. Trend Transformations’ showroom highlights the services and products they offer. In-store you’ll see a range of stunning countertop alterations created using an overlay on top of existing counters. They also […]

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An events-packed August at Big Dog Books

Big Dog Books can, on the surface, look like a simple comic book store but they have a lot more going on than that (seriously, a LOT). Your first clue that they aren’t an ordinary shop is their opening hours, starting late in the morning or early in the afternoon allows them to extend their […]

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Mi Rewards adds Smart Active Travel Points

With the release last week of the new Mi Rewards apps for iPhone and Android you can now take Mi Rewards with you wherever you go.  As you would expect you can check your points total and find new places to earn point but in addition to this we will also automatically reward you when you walk, wheelchair or cycle into Perth City Centre.

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Sensational summer treats at Murrays Bakers

Murrays are well in the swing of summer with their always-welcome seasonal addition of their amazing strawberry tarts. What’s more, Murrays are always trialling new products (there’s always room for a new surprise), so stay tuned to their Facebook feed to see what new and tasty delights they have in store for you. Here are […]

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