Take a dip and double your reward at Perth Leisure Pool
Tuesday, 2nd July
The summer holidays are here! Chances are you'll take at least one opportunity to get along to Perth Leisure Pool to cool off (and let the kids burn off some energy). We are happy to announce that for the entirety of July AND August you'll be getting double the Mi Points every time you spend at Perth Leisure Pool*.
Just as refreshing but twice as rewarding. Watch those Mi Points mount up quicker than ever.
Mi Points are a big part of Mi Rewards; a Perth-wide loyalty scheme. You can earn points in over sixty local businesses and these points can be redeemed for a Perth Gift Card which is also accepted in over sixty Perth businesses. It's a simple, uncomplicated system. Mi Rewards is always free and is designed to help you not only enjoy loyalty points, but it also includes exclusive members-only access to discounts, prize draws, exclusive events, and other perks. Follow this link to find out a little more about what Mi Rewards is and how it works.
Keep the fun going
Perth Leisure Pool is also running another offer alongside the double points. Kids swimming at Perth Leisure Pool in July or August will receive a £1 swim voucher which can be used in September to keep the 'Summer of Swim' going!
Perth Leisure Pool is the perfect way to keep the whole family happy; with 5 pools, flumes, and 'wild water'. For a more leisurely pace, there is also their lovely outdoor lagoon. After all that swimming you can't forget the all-important refuel at their cafe.
If you aren't already a registered Mi Rewards member you can follow this link to register for Mi Rewards today.
You can also click on the following link to discover more about Live Active Leisure's 'Summer of Swim'.
*Terms and Conditions: You must have registered with Mi Rewards and linked at least one payment card. Double points are only available at Perth Leisure Pool users. Promotion runs from 1/7/19 to 31/8/19.