MiRewards News & Updates

Latest ongoings at MiRewards

CriDo’s Perth joins Mi Rewards!

We are so happy to welcome another great Perth business to the Mi Rewards programme. CriDo's Perth has just entered its second year of business. The restaurant offers a space that feels homely yet vibrant. Their menu has that same feel; full of dishes you'll recognise straight away, from their popular risotto to the carnivore's favourite; steak. The food may be familiar but dishes are prepared to perfection, ensuring that you and your party will be more than satisfied (and full) after your meal. If you don't believe us pop along to CriDo's trip advisor reviews and see what others have to say.

They also offer a selection of dishes that cater to different dietary needs (just ask your server). This is good news to larger parties as it can be a struggle to cater to all needs when you're planning a get-together. CriDo's Perth lets you relax and enjoy your evening, safe in the knowledge that everyone can find something to satisfy their appetite.

If you're lucky enough to enjoy a clear day CriDo's Perth has another aspect for you to enjoy. You can grab some food whilst enjoying the good weather (and here's hoping for a lot of that this summer). Their lovely outdoor dining area, surrounded by planters, offers privacy without spoiling the outdoor feel.

Earn as you dine

Mi Rewards members can now enjoy loyalty points every time they spend at CriDo's Perth. Mi Rewards is a city-wide rewards programme that rewards you for spending with over sixty Perth businesses (including Stagecoach, Horsecross, and Perth Leisure Pool).

If you aren't already a member of Mi Rewards it's easy (and FREE) to join. Simply follow this link to join Mi Rewards today. You'll gain access to reward points, and gain exclusive entry to competitions, special events, and you'll be able to benefit from members-only deals and promotions.

You can find out a little more about Mi Rewards by popping over to our post titled "How Does Mi Rewards work?"

6 ways to increase footfall in your business with Mi Rewards

As a business owner, being a part of Mi Rewards just makes sense. Not only is it free and easy for businesses but it encourages customers to shop locally and loyally. When faced with a choice of which café to go into for their lunch, it’s the one where they can earn points that Mi […]

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3 ways to earn more points with Mi Rewards

If you love to shop local and support the businesses where you live, chances are you’ve already signed up to Mi Rewards. With Mi Rewards, every time you grab a coffee with a friend, pop into that indie boutique to choose a present for a friend, or book tickets for a show, you’re earning points. […]

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Bring the taste of Willows Restaurant to your event

People know to expect quality food at Willows Restaurant. With that in mind, it comes as no surprise that their catering services are also proving increasingly popular. They’ve offered outside catering services in the past on a limited basis but the popularity of their food and hospitality is leading them to add more energy to […]

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Take some of the stress of with Fun Junction’s Christmas Club

We know it may seem a little early to be talking about Christmas but please bear with us. If you have children in your life this service from independent toy shop Fun Junction could well make the next few months a lot easier. You may not know this but Fun Junction actually offers a lay-away service. […]

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Perth’s own Speakeasy at the Old Ship Inn

If you weren’t paying attention you could blink and miss this little hidden gem in the middle of Perth. A secret, secluded entrance blocks the way to your very own speakeasy (provided you call ahead and book). If you’re looking for a venue with a bit of mystery then we thoroughly recommend getting in touch […]

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